
Installing WordPress in localhost


1.Wordpress Package

2.WAMP or XAMPP Server to be installed.

Here is the steps to install WordPress in localhost

Step 1:
Download the WordPress Package.

Step 2:
Unzip the downloaded package to the Server root directory.

If the Server,your using is XAMPP then,


Copy the unzip wordpress package in to the htdocs directory

Step 3:
Start the Xampp Server.

To check the xampp Server is Running.

Open the browser and hit the Url.


You should see the Xampp Server Configuration Page.

Step 4:
In that click on phpmyadmin on the left hand side of that page.

In the phpmyadmin page,create a database for your wordpress.(The Name can be anything has you wish)

To need to create any Tables inside that.

Note:But the remember the database name what ever you have created.

Step 5:
Now,open the browser hit the url like

http:\\localhost\(name of the wordpress directory that has been copied to the htdocs folder in xampp)

You should see the WordPress Configuration Page.

Step 6:
It will ask you some Information like.

Database name:Its the name of the database you have created in phpmyadmin in XAMPP.

Database Username:The default username for XAMPP is “root”

Database password:The default password for XAMPP is “”.

Database Host:The host is nothing but “localhost”.

Step 7:
After all this , click on ‘Submit’ and the ‘Run Install’.

Then ,it will ask you for

Site Name:The name you wish to have for your Site.

E-Mail:Your E-Mail Address (in case of lost password).

Make sure the Check box has to be checked.(To make your blog appear in the search engine)

Step 8:
After all this,you are set with the WordPress.

You will see a Username is admin and the password will be an autogenerated one.

Copy the Password and click on Login.

Login with your current Username and Password.

Once you see your Dashboard.

Go to Authors in the left hand side of your Dashboard.

In that click on Authors and Users.

You will see the Authors Name ‘admin’ over there.

Click on Edit and down below that you will have fields for change your password.(The password can be has you wish)

Thats all done.

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1 thought on “Installing WordPress in localhost”

  1. Thank you that worked, I was using localhost:90 since apache is using port 90 and IIS port 80, but it worked like you said.

    Thank you

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